Since I started this company in 2013 I have mostly worked out of Edinburgh. As time has gone on and things have grown, it has become less and less necessary to be in the hub of a city, which made the decision to move a lot easier.
Client Heat Map

As I discovered, my clients to date are spread over Scotland and increasingly further afield. So moving to Fife was a huge benefit, as some of these places are now more easily accessible.

I started off my 3D visualisation career in Dunfermline, working for a double glazing firm creating pre-sale visuals for clients. This was a rapidly growing arm of the business and I ended up turning around 10 visuals per day. This eventually became very dissatisfying, as we lost any real attention to detail. So, after leaving to go traveling for 6 months I returned, refreshed and ready to build something for myself that could keep the skills that I had learnt but give me the autonomy to apply them better.
So if you're ever passing, stop in and have a cuppa!